Monday, 20 August 2012

Weeds 8.8 - Five Miles From Yetzer Hara

As a reward for her fantastic sales figures, Nancy is offered a promotion that covers western New England. She would have to work there for two week shifts but she wants the position and asks for more lines to sell.

Silas is enjoying his job too and has a smile on his face as he shaves. Shane does not and looks daggers at his brother as he brushes his teeth. At the impound, he's reduced to guarding cars and even Angela's (Daniele Watts) drop-ins don't cheer him up that much.

Jill, meanwhile, is sat in the bathtub drinking wine and eating foie gras. Surprise surprise, she's not really pregnant. Nancy wants her to tell Andy but she's resistant, afraid that she'll lose him. Nancy is confident that he will stand by her, saying that for the first time in his life, he's looking forward, not back.

Nancy is waiting in a deserted doctor's waiting room when the receptionist, Joan (Mary Kathleen Gordon) makes her an offer - she'll buy pills from her and her grandson will sell them at his university. Nancy asks if she radiates "criminal vibes" and Joan tells her it was the prison tattoo on her shoulder. That and nobody has ever said no. Back at the house, Andy is tending to some tomato plants with the twins and Jill asks them to step outside so she can talk to him. At the lab, Silas and Zachary (Ben Tolpin) compete to see whose strain of marijuana is stronger. They smoke it and blow it at racoons and see whose racoon eats more Wotsits. Silas wins easily and Terry (Kevin Sussman) asks to see his strain.

Nancy is planning her trip across New England and it turns out that Stevie doesn't know his state capitals, thinking that the capital of New York is "bagels" and the capital of Connecticut is "prison" because Nancy used to live there. Meanwhile, Doug is trying to recruit a homeless woman to come to his shelter. She settles for stabbing him. Back at the house, Andy is unsurprisingly pissed that Jill hid her non-pregnancy from him for three weeks.

Nancy goes to see Rabbi David (David Julian Hirsh) and tells him that she's seeing temptation everywhere. He thinks she's talking about the night by the pool when he almost kissed her but she's talking about a "questionable business decision". He gives her some boring advice and she climbs on top of him and they start kissing. Doug tries again to recruit the homeless woman but she stabs the woman he brought with him instead. Jill asks Andy if he wants "crying babies or screaming orgasms" and he suggests that they adopt. Nancy declines Joan's offer as they fuck and consider what nationality their adopted baby should be.

Back at the impound, Shane quits. Until his boss hands him a roll of cash that's his cut from the stolen cars they sold. Suddenly, Shane likes his job. Silas, meanwhile, watches as his plants are chopped, crushed and turned into pills. The process disgusts and offends him and that night as they stand in front of the bathroom mirror, the brothers are in each other's shoes.

Andy has left Jill and she's pissed off at Nancy. Mostly she's pissed because she lives a fun, interesting life with no consequences. Nancy shoots back that her new job means she'll have to leave her son for two weeks at a time and tells Jill that she's the better mother. They calm down and Nancy asks Jill what she's doing tomorrow.

Musical montage time! Doug puts the homeless woman to sleep with a drugged chicken sandwich and takes her to his shelter where he receives a visit from the inspector. The inspector's not convinced. When Andy mimes the homeless woman giving him a blowjob, the inspector shakes his head... and insists that Doug give him one instead. As Doug gets to his knees, Nancy and Jill have Nancy's car with the drugs in "stolen" and she gets some more from her boss. They take the pills to a university where they parts with the kids and sell them. The episode ends with Nancy sleeping with David and then teaching Stevie state capitals.

Some bits of this episode were really good, others quite feeble. Silas and Shane's reversal of fortunes at work was a good idea but it didn't really work. The bookends, them at the bathroom mirror in the morning and then again in the evening was nicely done but the filling wasn't convincing. All it took for Shane to love his crappy job was a few hundred bucks and all it took for Silas to hate his dream job was watching his weed get crushed and made into pills? Yeah, not convinced. Nancy had a decent if predictable story arc and Jill and Andy are finally over. I'm not really bothered to be honest. I never really felt that strongly about them as a couple one way or the other really although the "big reveal" that she wasn't really pregnant wasn't particularly surprising. Once again, Doug provided the biggest laugh of the episode as he prepared to suck off the inspector. Nancy and David's relationship took one step forward but I can't say I like him very much. He's bland and boring and Nancy will probably end up with him. Oh and the party that Nancy and Jill go to was kind of creepy... shirtless men, dancing and buying drugs from menopausal women old enough to be their mothers? Yeah... classy.

Some bits weren't convincing but overall, there was more good than bad here.

7 out of 10.

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