Tuesday 9 October 2012

The Inbetweeners USA 1.8 - The Field Trip

The remaking of random episodes continues as the first episode of the second series is re-told this week as the lads go to a budget school trip to an American Civil War site. Keeping up the tradition of ruining the supporting characters, there's no Mr. "Paedo" Kennedy. Instead, there's a couple of Southern hicks trying to sell stuff from their gift shop. Will and Simon pursue the same girl, Lauren (Avery Camp) and Neil learns about the Civil War.

Well, this was really, really, really boring. It's strange to say that a twenty-one minute show dragged but this episode really did. Nothing was even mildly amusing. Not Jay's pursuit of a twelve-year-old girl, not Neil learning that Abraham Lincoln died at the end of the Civil War, not Will throwing up on himself in the toilet and emerging naked but for his pants and especially not the boring Civil War re-enactment scenes.

Yawn, yawn, yawn.

0 out of 10.

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