Monday, 30 July 2012

Weeds 8.5 - Red in Tooth and Claw

Lying in bed reading, Nancy is rudely interrupted by a loud crashing noise outside. She walks into the living room to find out what's going on and Doug tells her that Russians have moved in down the road and are cutting down trees. Walking into the kitchen, Nancy finds that Jill has turned to "extreme couponing", partly to fill the Andy-sized hole in her life and partly because they have no money. Doug's money is tied up in his fake charity and they're broke. Nancy is more worried that Stevie (Ethan & Gavin Kent) is spending his time watching football on the TV rather than playing football at the park. Jill tells her that she tried to sign him up but missed the deadline. The twins interrupt to tell Nancy that Kiki has been calling. She gets Stevie and goes to kill two birds with one stone.

Andy is talking to Shane about Angela. He tells him that there are several things to look for to tell if a woman is into you and Shane tells him that he really likes her. Andy suggests he take her on a double-date and Shane notices Silas only just saying goodbye to R.J. (Dominic Dierkes) so when he comes back in he makes the standard gay jokes. Andy gets a text calling him to the derby track so he leaves.

At the park, Nancy asks the guy in charge, Gordon (Brendan Robinson) to let Stevie join in. He tells her that the problem isn't some deadline Jill missed but the kickback she failed to pay. Nancy takes a picture of the kids playing and asks if it's because Stevie is half Hispanic. Gordon gets nervous and lets him in.
At the academy, Shane asks Angela (Daniele Watts) if she wants to go on a double-date and she says yes. At the roller derby arena, Andy walks in to find the lights off and no-one there. Well, until they snap back on and reveal the referee (Jessica Kiper) skating round the ring, all by herself. Oh, and she's completely naked but for the skates. Fuck. Me. Andy remarks how "shockingly common" it is that beautiful women throw themselves at him after very little effort on his part. He wonders why that is and comes to the conclusion that it's karma. He worked his way up from shit to maggot, rat, caterpillar, dog, monkey and to child sex slave, humbly and patiently accepting his fate before finally becoming Andy. The only other alternative is there's a god who likes it when he gets his freak on and that would mean he'd have to re-think everything. "If you can catch me, you can fuck me", the referee calls out. "I'll get my skates", Andy replies.

Nancy is at the park and chatting to three of the dads. They don't like the "new kid" because he's making their kids look like shit and they speak to Gordon, who tells Nancy to have him go into goal. She does but he picks up the ball and scores again anyway. Gordon asks when they can expect her first donation and she asks him what will the papers say about his club throwing out the only non-white player. Turns out the guy who owns the paper is one of the ones who doesn't like Stevie.

Silas and R.J. are gardening when Silas mentions that Shane made gay jokes at their expense. R.J. says that every guy should suck another guy's dick at some point and Silas freaks out and runs off. Andy and the referee are lying in a naked, happy heap. She suggests that women sleep with him because he won't shut up about the women in his life, which makes them want to be loved as much as Jill and Nancy are.

Done at the park, Nancy pays Kiki (Kat Foster) a visit and asks her to buy her out. Kiki's having problems of her own. It's her dad's birthday and she's spending it with three male models. Shane and Angela, meanwhile, are on their double-date... with their boss Mitch (Michael Harney) and his girlfriend Beatrice (Nancy Youngblut). Their idea of a double-date is to stay in and play drinking games. It also turns out Mitch is a bit of an asshole. Andy, back from the roller derby ring finds Jill waiting for him in his room. She misses him. They kiss and then he tells her that he had sex with the referee. She's pissed and walks out. Then, she goes and fucks Doug. Brilliant!

Nancy gets a visit from Kiki. She tells her that she's out too and gives her a massive bag containing all the weed, storming out and telling her that she'll miss Silas' cock. Shane's date isn't going that badly. Angela does at least tell him that she likes him.

Nancy goes for another late-night dip in David's pool and this time David (David Julian Hirsh) comes outside to see her. He tells her that he doesn't mind her using it and that he knows who she is. She gets out and leans in to kiss him but he sits her down, tells her that he's a rabbi and gives her some talk about baptism or something. I tuned out.

The next morning, Silas walks into his grow room to tend to his marijuana plants... and they're all gone. His first suspect is Shane, who tells him that he's only just returned from his date and that he should ask R.J. where they are. Andy comes out to investigation and sees Jill come out of Doug's room. Busted. Andy runs to R.J.'s shop and finds that he's been beaten up and waffles about his medication and Silas not "deserving" the plants. Meanwhile, Nancy resolves herself, picks up the massive bag of weed that Kiki dropped off and throws it (and her cane) in the Russian's wood chipper.

So it turns out that settling back into a normal life is proving more difficult than Nancy had anticipated. Who'd have guessed, eh? They're setting bland rabbi Dave as her love interest. Anyone else find him boring? Ironically, Shane's the one who's making the best fist of things. He's got a job, a girlfriend he likes and he seems happy. Oh, and Andy got to fuck the outrageously hot roller derby referee. That's some cross he has to bear. Silas got fucked over. Again. I sense that this is the start of a new direction for him. Turns out I was right about Kiki and we'll probably never see her again. No mention of Doug's late-night adventures though. I was looking forward to that turning into a storyline. Oh well.

Jill getting fucked by Doug, Andy's musings about why he's so lucky with women and Shane's awful double-date were all highlights from this good offering. Oh and did I mention that the stupidly hot Jessica Kiper took ALL of her clothes off? I did? Well, it was worth mentioning again.

Things are moving along nicely and this was a good episode. Ordinarily it'd get a 7 but the outstanding Jessica Kiper pushes it up to an 8 all by herself.

8 out of 10.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Weeds 8.4 - Only Judy Can Judge

It's the middle of the night and Nancy is swimming. In someone else's pool. Completely naked. God I love this show. A light in the house comes on and a man calls out of his window but Nancy hides. She goes back into her house and sees Stevie slipping into Jill's bed. The next morning, she wants to take Stevie to the zoo by herself but Jill and Andy don't think it's a good idea. Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Shane tells Silas that one day marijuana will be legal but until then to keep his grow-house secret. Doug opens the front door to collect the paper but finds a massive shit on it. He blames the neighbour (Doug McKeon) and his "horse- dog" but the man denies it.

Nancy tells Shane that she still doesn't think the police academy is a good idea and she's just getting ready to leave for the zoo when Silas gets a call from Kiki (Kat Foster). She has a problem and wants to speak to Nancy. Turns out that she's with some dealers who want to sell her hash but she's not interested and they won't let her leave. Nancy gives Stevie to Jill and Andy and takes to save Kiki. Shane, meanwhile, is making out with Angela (Daniele Watts) and invites her to dinner. He tells her that she'd like his mom as they're both very intense.

Silas visits a garden centre and is awkwardly forward about what he needs the supplies for but meets R.J. (Dominic Dierkes), who works there. Nancy finds Kiki and discovers that Demetri won't sell to her any more so she's been forced to find alternative suppliers. They leave and track down Demetri (Pablo Schreiber), who is playing laser tag. Nancy is disorientated by the lasers and tells Demetri that she was shot in the head, asking him to sell to Kiki again. He agrees. Back at the house, Andy is cooking for the family meal that evening but Jill is concerned that he only cares about Nancy. Doug is having problems of his own too. He spray-painted the word "shitter" onto the neighbour's dog, who called the police. He's not broken any law but the cop tells him if he can get footage of the neighbour's dog shitting on his paper, the neighbour will get fined.

R.J. is visiting Silas' grow-house and they talk shop. Shane borrows a ladder to help Doug set up some cameras and when Silas tells R.J. that Shane is in the police academy, R.J. gets worried and tells him it's a bad idea. Nancy comes back to find Stevie fast asleep. At the meal, things are awkward but not uncomfortable until Nancy gives her speech. She prattles on for a while until she calls Stevie "Judah" and then things do get awkward. Jill and Andy argue and she tells him that they're done. The neighbour decides to pick this moment to take his revenge - throwing a bag of dog shit on the table.

Later that evening, Nancy is sat by herself and Andy comes over. She tells him that she had a "moment" at laser tag and now forgot her son's name. He tells her things will get better and leaves to sleep on the sofa. Stevie then comes over and tells her that he can't sleep. She has an idea and they both go and swim in the man's pool. He sees them and they wave at each other. The next morning, Doug finds another shit on the newspaper and reviews the camera footage. What he sees is himself sleep walking outside and then taking a dump on the newspaper.

When the episode opens with Nancy going skinny-dipping, you know it won't be half bad. She's forty-seven and she's got a body women half her age would be jealous of. Nancy's boobs and butt aside, it was a pretty decent episode. Doug's feud with the neighbour was hilarious and Angela's a decent enough new character. She isn't annoying yet, anyway, which is more than I can say for R.J. I hope he doesn't stick around too long because something about him just irritates me. The actor reminds me a little of D.J. Qualls and that's never a good thing. I think they're setting up to write Kiki (or is it Kiku?) out. She was barely in this episode and with Nancy turning away from her life of crime she'll probably disappear sooner or later.

Pretty good episode, the highlights being Doug (as usual) and Nancy's nude night-time dip.

7 out of 10.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Weeds 8.3 - See Blue and Smell Cheese and Die

Nancy's back at Jill's house, who gives her a present - traction socks, so she doesn't slip. Well, she meant to. What she actually got her sister were traction socks for dogs. Andy is on roller skates because he's coaching the twins' roller derby team and Shane has left a letter for Nancy, for whom everything still tastes like black liquorice. Jill and Andy tell Nancy that they are together but she's distracted by Shane's letter. It reads, "Mom, found him. Soon all will be settled. Don't be mad."

Doug and Whit (Bruce Nozick) are "at work" when the SEC guy they blackmailed last series, Melnick (Seth Isler) brings them some news - their hedge fund is in dire straits and with it, the SEC's pension fund. He gives them an ultimatum - resign, the SEC takes the fund and sells 51% to China and they won't be prosecuted. Whit is outraged but Doug is less bothered, calling the whole system "one endless, ass-to-mouth human centipede of government and business that's going to suck this country back to the stone age". He promptly signs for himself and Whit and Melnick is satisfied. Whit protests but Doug already has a plan.

Nancy and Silas try and track down Shane and Silas lets slip that Shane's joined the police academy. Andy, meanwhile, is coaching the roller derby team. He wants them to play fair and be sporting but their father, Scott (Mel Fair), wants them to be brutal and ruthless. Andy tries his best but the twins ignore him and play as they always have.

Nancy and Silas are driving after Shane. Silas wants to stop for food but Nancy wants to get there as quickly as possible. Silas remarks that Tim deserves ten minutes with Shane and they do stop for food. Andy's team lost and the girls still don't like him.

Nancy and Silas arrive at Tim's house. He's not there, but his girlfriend Tulah (Mae Whitman) is. They tell her they're friends of Tim's and she lets them in. His apartment's messy and has a weird smell. He and Tulah met when he saved her from a "rape barn". They ask if someone called Shane came round earlier and she says no, but notes that it was odd that one of Tim's new friends came round earlier and borrowed his gun. She describes him as "shifty, quiet, dead eyes, trustworthy" and Nancy nods wistfully. Tim should have already returned from work so they decide to go there instead.

Andy tries to patch things up with the twins but they both have dreadlocks now so he ends up giving a gift to the wrong one. As punishment for the team losing, they've put his shoes in the oven. Jill tells him to take them to the mall and buy their love.

At a Subway-esque shop, Nancy finds Tim (Daryl Sabara) working behind the counter. He's more than a little shocked and his boss has to remind him what to ask Nancy as he makes her a sandwich. He makes it but she just tells him to get in her car or she'll call his mother. Doug has a surprise for Whit. His idea - setting up a charity. He doesn't know what it does yet but they have a "buttload" of money from the hedge fund.

Tim is with Nancy and Silas in their car. She asks him what he's doing and tells him she's trying to protect him. He tells her that he hopes someone gives her roses, she smells them, sneezes and the bullet moves an eighth of an inch in her brain then she sees blue, smells cheese and dies. She tells him to sort his life out and he begs her not to let Shane kill him.

Andy cuts one of the twins hair while they sleep. Scott and Jill interrupt him and while she sows the hair back in, Andy and Scott argue. They push each other and then slap each other and that quickly devolves into a slapping fight, much to the twins' annoyance. They tell them that they hate them both and the men launch into lectures about how ungrateful they are. Scott apologies and tells them that he needs to go back to Calcutta, telling the twins to listen to Andy.

Back at Tim's house, Nancy and Silas are helping him pack when Shane knocks on the door. Nancy tells Tim to run but he doesn't and Shane, with his boss and two other policemen arrest Tim for Nancy's attempted murder. She protests, claiming that he has an alibi and that she doesn't want to press charges but she's overruled and Tim tells her that it's OK. Shane's boss tells her to smile because Shane is trying to impress her and as they leave, Nancy smiles.

Who cares about the twins and their roller derby team? Anyone? No? Didn't think so. That was the most pointless plot line I've seen in eight years of Weeds. Oh, the twins hate Andy! Who cares? It was fucking stupid. Other than that, it was a mostly mediocre episode. Tim is arrested and his plot line is wrapped up in a neat little package. The saving graces were Andy's slapping fight with Scott, which was hilarious and Doug's brilliant rant about the "human centipede" that is business and the government. Oh and the brief post-credits scene of Mae Whitman blowing a clown was pretty funny too.

Mostly forgettable but for two brilliant moments, this is the weakest episode of Weeds so far this series.

5 out of 10.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Tropic Thunder (2008)

I first started watching this film last night but only managed to watch the first thirty-five minutes before dozing off. I gave up and finished it today. When I fell asleep I hadn't laughed and I didn't laugh at all today either.

When director Damien Cockburn (Steve Coogan and yes, his name is the funniest thing about his character) is handed control of Tropic Thunder, an adaptation of the autobiography of the same name by Vietnam veteran John "Four Leaf" Tayback (Nick Nolte), he has to deal with the massive egos of his leading actors. Tugg Speedman (Ben Stiller, who also co-wrote and directed the film) is a washed-up action movie star with an inflated opinion of himself. In what could have been a good role, Stiller gurns and shouts his way through the film and his character grates more than almost any other. Robert Downey Jr. plays the only decent character, multiple-award winning Australian method actor Kurt Lazarus, who undergoes pigmentation surgery to play a black character. The utterly offensive aspects of this aside, Downey Jr. is the best thing about the film. He delivers the film's best lines (both of them) and he's a good parody of method actors. Alpa Chino (Brandon T. Jackson) is a rapper-turned-actor with a line of energy drinks to sell. His character gets old after five minutes. Finally, Jeff Portnoy (Jack Black) is the only character that can make Tugg Speedman seem bearable. A "comedy" "star" and the most obnoxious and unlikeable character I've seen in years, Portnoy is an overweight drug addict and incredibly unpleasant. Ben Stiller's character may be annoying but Portnoy is absolutely unbearable. The stars prove impossible to deal with so Cockburn drops them into the middle of the jungle to make the film guerrilla-style. He's promptly killed by a landmine and the actors have to travel through the Vietnam jungle, debating about whether they're still on set and Cockburn faked his death or if they're lost in the jungle and the people firing at them are real drug-producing guerrillas (they are).

Maybe Stiller should have spent less time thinking up outlandish characters, ridiculous scenarios and silly films-within-the-film and more time writing jokes. The first thirty-five laugh-free minutes dragged on but the subsequent hour and twenty-six minutes were almost unbearable. Tropic Thunder is a parody of big studio excess but it ends up becoming what it tries to lampoon. A big-budget production filmed over several months in Hawaii, the film is an utter failure. It doesn't work as an action film because there isn't enough action and what few gunfights and explosions there are aren't enjoyable because they're either painfully and unintentionally fake or they're played for laughs and they just don't succeed. It doesn't work as a satire because the characters are so bad and the endless ramblings and wanderings in the jungle quickly turn tedious. It doesn't even work as a comedy because it's not fucking funny! As I said, Robert Downey Jr. is the best thing about this film. Tom Cruise, though good and unrecognisable as studio head Les Grossman, doesn't have anything to work with. He swears a lot and has tantrums. Hilarious. Matthew McConaughey as Speedman's agent is probably the best of the supporting cast that also includes Jay Baruchel as Kevin Sandusky, a young actor also trapped in the jungle with the divas and the spectacularly awful Danny McBride as Cody Underwood, the film's weapons expert.

It's been a long time since I saw a comedy film that didn't make me laugh once. Painfully unfunny, dreadfully bad and chock-full of characters that make you want to tear your face off with a rake, Tropic Thunder is one to avoid. If you're that determined to see Robert Downey Jr. in blackface, you can probably find his scenes on Youtube. Otherwise, avoid this film like the fucking plague. This film will take two hours of your precious life and give you nothing but bad memories in return.

2 out of 10.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Weeds 8.2 - A Beam of Sunshine

Nancy has been brought out of her medically-induced coma and is on the road to recovery but it's not been a cheap one. After 77 days in hospital, her bill stands at $420,770.12. She does have a new roommate, though. One who tells her that her story has been going around and has apparently become embellished to say that she's been mixed up with the Italian Mafia (as opposed to the Mexicans) who have killed her whole family in horrible ways. Shane comes to see her and they take a walk through the halls. He has drawn a map of people who might want her dead. Her doctor (Stoney Westmoreland) tells her that if she can walk up the stairs, he'll discharge her. She tries to do so, telling Shane to stop looking for the shooter. He refuses, worries that he will come back but Nancy tells him that he won't, that he regrets it. She can't make it up the stairs and resolves to try again later.

At Jill's house, Andy and Jill are interrupted by her ex-husband, Scott (Mel Fair). He's back from India and wants to have dinner with Jill to talk about things. He leaves and Andy tells Jill to just have dinner with him and hear him out.

Nancy makes the rounds with Shane, delivering snacks and alcohol to her friends on the ward. They then visit Butters the Clown (Billy Merritt), who sells weed lollipops at massively inflated prices. Nancy wonders if she was a "gougey douche" as well and tells Shane that she was a bad person and doesn't want to be like that any more. She dubs the family the "after Botwins" and sends Shane to buy some lollipops.

Doug and his friend Whit Tillerman (Bruce Nozick) are still running the weed-dealing business in New York City. Silas meanwhile is with Kiki (Kat Foster), who is tied up over a bench and clad in leather. She tells him that his "uncles" Doug and Whit have been dipping into the weed supply and they have to stop. She also tells him that she's running low and needs Nancy to grow more. Silas isn't interested and spanks her until he gets a call from his mom. He tells her he can be there in a couple of hours and Kiki laughs from behind her ball gag.
Shane is at the academy, talking to fellow trainee Angela Mullen (Daniele Watts) before a session on the obstacle course. They talk about what happens to kids who lose their father and how most of them end up "off the rails".

Silas has made some extra-strength weed cookies for Nancy, who is bagging them up in fancy packages. She chastises him for thinking like "before Silas" for asking how much they will charge. She intends to give them out pro bono to the sick people on the ward.

Jill is getting ready to go out with Scott. Andy tells her to flaunt it and think of what's best for her kids. Back in the hospital, the patients are enjoying Nancy's cookies. That night, she gets a visit from Butters who tells her to back off. Andy, meanwhile, walks in on the twins packing. He's confused but they explain that every time their parents split up, they have dinner and end up getting back together. Andy dismisses them but looks worried.

Back at the hotel, Nancy pays a visit to the clown and plays up her supposed "Mafia connections" and tells him that after she leaves, he can no longer charge hospital patients for weed. At dinner, Scott is reading a pre-prepared speech to Jill who is not paying attention when Andy shows up and gesticulates behind Scott. They slip off to the bathroom to have sex. Andy tells her not to leave him and Scott walks in on them, telling her that he doesn't want her back and storming out as they go back to having sex.

At the hospital, Nancy makes it to the top of the stairs and is released, reminding Butters what she told him earlier. At the academy, Shane is looking at Tim Scottson's Facebook profile with a grin on his face.

So, Nancy's out of the hospital and Shane knows who tried to kill her. She has apparently had an epiphany and wants to do good. Well, as much good as a drug dealer can. I liked Jill and Andy's scenes in this episode but we could have used more Doug, I felt. Nice to see Kiki back, too. Even nicer to see her getting spanked. Nancy's "Mafia connections" were pretty funny but overall this episode wasn't anything special.

6 out of 10.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Weeds 8.1 - Messy

The last series of Weeds ended with the Botwins, Stevie, Jill, her twins and of course Doug all gathered round the table in the garden of Jill's house as Nancy (Mary-Louise Parker) toasts to their new life. She bought Silas (Hunter Parrish) equipment so he can grow his own weed and Shane (Alexander Gould) has secretly joined the police academy. Andy (Justin Kirk) is sleeping with Nancy's sister Jill (Jennifer Jason Leigh) and Doug (Kevin Nealon) is the CFO at a firm running a Ponzi scheme. One of the twins, Taylor (Amanda Pace) or Shayla (Rachel Pace) shines a laser pointer at her head. Then, we see down the barrel of a gun as an assassin draws a bead on Nancy and fires.

Nancy was hit in the head by the bullet and is conscious but not lucid. The shooter runs from the scene, jumps into his car, pounds the steering wheel and drives off, turning the corner just as Shane emerges from the bushes after him. Nancy, meanwhile, is rushed to the hospital in an ambulance with Silas.

Back at Jill's house, Andy and Jill are arguing about what to pack to take to the hospital. Doug tells them that Shane ran off after the shooter and they hurry off to the hospital. Shane comes back to the house to find it deserted and their elderly neighbours, Phillip (Bob Larkin) and Whimsy Ardmore (Anne Bellamy) peering over the fence. They ask what the racket was and Shane tells them his mother was shot. Whimsy protests that the woods are "not hunting woods, they're strolling woods". The police arrive and Shane tells the police how to do their job before taking them up on their offer of taking him to the hospital, so he doesn't have to watch them "fuck up the crime scene".

At the hospital, Doug suggests that it was the work of the Mexicans. The doctor arrives and tells them that Nancy's in a medically-induced coma. Silas goes to see her and the hospital administrator arrives and shakes them down for money, running through a list of countries that do have universal health insurance. Jill gives the paperwork over to Doug and Shane arrives to show her a photo one of the twins has uploaded to Facebook showing Nancy covered in blood.

Silas is in Nancy's room, eating some snacks from a gift basket that the family of her roommate have left. Shane arrives and helps himself to food as well, telling Silas that he's in the police academy. Silas is more than a little surprised, telling Shane that crime is the family business. Shane says that he actually likes it and they speculate about all the people who have a motive. It's not a short list. Outside, Andy is talking to the police and demands more protection for her. Jill ticks off the twins for posting the picture of Nancy and tells Andy that they're going home. Doug takes over from Shane and Silas in Nancy's room and helps himself to snacks. He brushes crumbs off Nancy, then starts to fondle her and peeks down her gown. A relative of the other man in the room comes in and asks Doug if they've been stealing from his gift baskets.

Jill visits Nancy's room and wonders why Doug has been banned from the hospital. Deciding that she doesn't care, she tells Andy that she's taking the kids home. Andy asks if she wants to spend some time with Nancy but she doesn't, saying that she's mad at her. She does put some face cream on Nancy and Andy tells her that she's a good person. They start kissing and she tells him that she has to take out her pelvic weight before they have sex. She does and Andy tosses it onto the other man's bed. After they have had sex, Jill leaves to go home and the man's relative comes in to find the pelvic weight on his bed.

Andy, banished to the cafeteria, has a man called Dave (David Julian Hirsh) sit opposite him. He asks Andy if he wants to talk and Andy thinks he's making a pass at him but it turns out he's a chaplain and a rabbi at that. Andy regrets telling him that he had sex with Jill in Nancy's room but Dave doesn't care. Andy tells him that he doesn't know if he believes in god and says that Jill thinks Nancy will live because there is no god. He offers to pray for Nancy and Andy tells him to knock himself out.

The would-be assassin visits Nancy in her room. Who is it? It's Tim Scottson (Daryl Sabara), son of Lieutenant Peter Scottson, Nancy's second husband and a DEA agent who was murdered in series two by the Armenian drug cartel. He tells her that he thought he'd feel better but he doesn't. The man's relative comes in and he bumps into her as he rushes out, spilling her coffee all over her. Nancy goes into cardiac arrest and the woman remarks, "oh well. Karma."

This is apparently going to be the last series of Weeds. Even though Jenji Kohan and Showtime said that before series six and before series seven, I think they mean it this time. It's not quite the show it once was but it's still good and if it really is about to finish, I hope it does so on a high. As a first episode, this one was pretty standard. Despite rumours that Shane was going to have been shot and killed by the assassin, it was obvious that it was Nancy who was going to be hit and that she would not be killed. The choice of would-be assassin was quite a surprising one though and they seemed to realise that, including a brief vignette as Tim was revealed, showing his time playing judo with Shane and his father's funeral. I can't imagine him turning into anything like a lasting villain and Shane will probably kill him in a few episodes time but perhaps they're just trying to tie up all the loose ends before they finish for good.

Revelations about the shooter aside, nothing major happened. But it was still a good episode. Solid, funny and with a couple of great lines. If the rest of the series is up to this standard, I'll be satisfied.

7 out of 10.