Lying in bed reading, Nancy is rudely interrupted by a loud crashing noise outside. She walks into the living room to find out what's going on and Doug tells her that Russians have moved in down the road and are cutting down trees. Walking into the kitchen, Nancy finds that Jill has turned to "extreme couponing", partly to fill the Andy-sized hole in her life and partly because they have no money. Doug's money is tied up in his fake charity and they're broke. Nancy is more worried that Stevie (Ethan & Gavin Kent) is spending his time watching football on the TV rather than playing football at the park. Jill tells her that she tried to sign him up but missed the deadline. The twins interrupt to tell Nancy that Kiki has been calling. She gets Stevie and goes to kill two birds with one stone.
Andy is talking to Shane about Angela. He tells him that there are several things to look for to tell if a woman is into you and Shane tells him that he really likes her. Andy suggests he take her on a double-date and Shane notices Silas only just saying goodbye to R.J. (Dominic Dierkes) so when he comes back in he makes the standard gay jokes. Andy gets a text calling him to the derby track so he leaves.
At the park, Nancy asks the guy in charge, Gordon (Brendan Robinson) to let Stevie join in. He tells her that the problem isn't some deadline Jill missed but the kickback she failed to pay. Nancy takes a picture of the kids playing and asks if it's because Stevie is half Hispanic. Gordon gets nervous and lets him in.
At the academy, Shane asks Angela (Daniele Watts) if she wants to go on a double-date and she says yes. At the roller derby arena, Andy walks in to find the lights off and no-one there. Well, until they snap back on and reveal the referee (Jessica Kiper) skating round the ring, all by herself. Oh, and she's completely naked but for the skates. Fuck. Me. Andy remarks how "shockingly common" it is that beautiful women throw themselves at him after very little effort on his part. He wonders why that is and comes to the conclusion that it's karma. He worked his way up from shit to maggot, rat, caterpillar, dog, monkey and to child sex slave, humbly and patiently accepting his fate before finally becoming Andy. The only other alternative is there's a god who likes it when he gets his freak on and that would mean he'd have to re-think everything. "If you can catch me, you can fuck me", the referee calls out. "I'll get my skates", Andy replies.
Nancy is at the park and chatting to three of the dads. They don't like the "new kid" because he's making their kids look like shit and they speak to Gordon, who tells Nancy to have him go into goal. She does but he picks up the ball and scores again anyway. Gordon asks when they can expect her first donation and she asks him what will the papers say about his club throwing out the only non-white player. Turns out the guy who owns the paper is one of the ones who doesn't like Stevie.
Silas and R.J. are gardening when Silas mentions that Shane made gay jokes at their expense. R.J. says that every guy should suck another guy's dick at some point and Silas freaks out and runs off. Andy and the referee are lying in a naked, happy heap. She suggests that women sleep with him because he won't shut up about the women in his life, which makes them want to be loved as much as Jill and Nancy are.
Done at the park, Nancy pays Kiki (Kat Foster) a visit and asks her to buy her out. Kiki's having problems of her own. It's her dad's birthday and she's spending it with three male models. Shane and Angela, meanwhile, are on their double-date... with their boss Mitch (Michael Harney) and his girlfriend Beatrice (Nancy Youngblut). Their idea of a double-date is to stay in and play drinking games. It also turns out Mitch is a bit of an asshole. Andy, back from the roller derby ring finds Jill waiting for him in his room. She misses him. They kiss and then he tells her that he had sex with the referee. She's pissed and walks out. Then, she goes and fucks Doug. Brilliant!
Nancy gets a visit from Kiki. She tells her that she's out too and gives her a massive bag containing all the weed, storming out and telling her that she'll miss Silas' cock. Shane's date isn't going that badly. Angela does at least tell him that she likes him.
Nancy goes for another late-night dip in David's pool and this time David (David Julian Hirsh) comes outside to see her. He tells her that he doesn't mind her using it and that he knows who she is. She gets out and leans in to kiss him but he sits her down, tells her that he's a rabbi and gives her some talk about baptism or something. I tuned out.
The next morning, Silas walks into his grow room to tend to his marijuana plants... and they're all gone. His first suspect is Shane, who tells him that he's only just returned from his date and that he should ask R.J. where they are. Andy comes out to investigation and sees Jill come out of Doug's room. Busted. Andy runs to R.J.'s shop and finds that he's been beaten up and waffles about his medication and Silas not "deserving" the plants. Meanwhile, Nancy resolves herself, picks up the massive bag of weed that Kiki dropped off and throws it (and her cane) in the Russian's wood chipper.
So it turns out that settling back into a normal life is proving more difficult than Nancy had anticipated. Who'd have guessed, eh? They're setting bland rabbi Dave as her love interest. Anyone else find him boring? Ironically, Shane's the one who's making the best fist of things. He's got a job, a girlfriend he likes and he seems happy. Oh, and Andy got to fuck the outrageously hot roller derby referee. That's some cross he has to bear. Silas got fucked over. Again. I sense that this is the start of a new direction for him. Turns out I was right about Kiki and we'll probably never see her again. No mention of Doug's late-night adventures though. I was looking forward to that turning into a storyline. Oh well.
Jill getting fucked by Doug, Andy's musings about why he's so lucky with women and Shane's awful double-date were all highlights from this good offering. Oh and did I mention that the stupidly hot Jessica Kiper took ALL of her clothes off? I did? Well, it was worth mentioning again.
Things are moving along nicely and this was a good episode. Ordinarily it'd get a 7 but the outstanding Jessica Kiper pushes it up to an 8 all by herself.
8 out of 10.
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