Emmet's back and everyone's happy that they get to go home. Clark starts interviewing him, asking him why he came to the Amazon. Emmet says that he thought he was supposed to find something and that he should have died. All he wants now is to be a husband and a father and that people died because of him. He adds that he has a lot of making up to do and abruptly ends the interview. Later, he goes outside and speaks to Lena alone. She asks him what her role is and what the mark on the back of her neck means. He tells her that it's a birthmark and he thought they were both meant for something special. She says that he's right, there are sign everywhere. Yes, there are signs, he says, but they are signs telling us to leave. We're not wanted, he adds. She demands to know what he was looking for, what the source is. He just tells her that it's better she hate him. Meanwhile, Clark flirts with Tess but she tells him that she's just glad Emmet's back and she doesn't intend to let him go again. Clark goes down to the video room and smashes a screen in anger. Down below, Emilio shuts off the generator to do some maintenance. Back on deck, Emmet and Lincoln have an awkward moment. Emmet tells Lincoln how proud he is of him. Lincoln replies that he's only saying it for the cameras but Emmet tells him that he's going to burn the tapes. Suddenly, Lincoln pulls Emmet down and is shot in the neck. Emmet screams for help as Lincoln bleeds everywhere. The group rush to his aid but it's too late - he's dead.
Tess interrogates the group, with suspicion falling mostly on Clark, Lena, Jonas (Scott Michael Foster) and Kurt. Clark tells them that he has footage of Kurt on the phone, saying that if Emmet finds the Source, he'll kill him. Kurt draws his gun but passes it to Emmet, telling them that if he actually wanted to kill any of them, they'd be dead. In the bridge, Jahel appears to get some strange communication over the radio, telling Emmet and Tess that the Boiuna can bring him back. Oh, how convenient. Emmet says that the Boiuna is not just a spirit, it is the god of all demons and he refuses to call it out. Undeterred, Tess asks Jahel to bring Lincoln back no matter what. Jahel performs her spell and, after some theatrics, Lincoln is brought back to life, telling them that Kurt was the one who shot him.
Lincoln and Emmet have another awkward moment as he tells his father he loves him. On the bridge, Tess tells Emmet that Lincoln has always loved him, even if he didn't say it. Down in the kitchen, Lincoln asks Jonas why he tried to kill his father. Ha! Knew it! Lincoln tells Jonas he wanted to kill him himself and tears his throat out with his bare hand. I've been waiting for him to die horribly ever since we met him! In the video room, Emmet is reviewing footage when Clark walks in, telling him that he only came after him to make a TV show. He leaves and Emmet sees the footage of Lincoln and Jonas from the kitchen. Except he doesn't because it has been edited to show Jonas walking out. He goes to find Lena and turns the camera off. In the bridge, Emilio tells Jahel that her mother isn't dead and that they share the same power. She is apparently in a hospital, plagued by the voices of spirits that she cannot block out. In the hold, Lincoln beats Kurt up. Has no-one noticed Jonas is missing yet? Well, they have now. Clark and A.J. get into an argument but are interrupted by Jonas' blood dripping down from a ventilation shaft. Outside, Lena finds Lincoln and he kisses her. She gives him a drink and when he swallows some he starts throwing up and convulsing. Emmet appears and hits Lincoln on the head, telling him that he's learnt a few things about demons.
With Lincoln tied down to the map table, Lena and Emmet perform an exorcism of sorts, forcing one of those bugs into Lincoln's mouth. It doesn't work and the Boiuna tortures Emmet, telling him that he doesn't know his own son. Emmet tries again but the Boiuna gets the upper hand and Emmet tells the group that it's too strong. Desperate, they ask Kurt for help. He tells them that they have to ignore the demon and talk to Lincoln. Emmet apologises to him, telling him he's sorry for missing his life and promises to be there for him in the future. With one gigantic effort Lincoln expels the Boiuna and returns to them. The next day, the group are preparing to leave and return to the Amazon when the river ahead of them starts to change. "It's never going to let us go" Lincoln says as the episode ends.
The River goes out not with a bang but a whimper. Really, the possession and pretty much everything that happens in this episode feels tacked on. The whole series was a succession of missed opportunities and silly, repeating story lines. It also suffered from a lack of focus, unsure over what it was and trying to be too many things at once, ultimately failing to be any of them. It wasn't gripping enough to be a thriller, scary enough to be a horror or well-acted enough to be a drama and the "found footage" aspect only detracted from it further. Still, at least we got to see Jonas die painfully.
A mediocre ending to a disappointing series.
4 out of 10.
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